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Cluses: a new biogas storage operation on a digester for the Suez group

Cluses: a new biogas storage operation on a digester for the Suez group

Micr’Eau completes the installation of a gasometer on the digestion unit of the Cluses wastewater treatment plant in the Alps, managed by the Suez group. This is the second project this year for this type of work after the construction site in the east in Benfeld.

The great advantage of this storage technology is the economy of civil engineering and the reduced footprint for the builder of the wastewater treatment plant. Our teams have already installed a dozen of these storage units around the France for urban, industrial and agricultural sites.

A new gasometer for the Suez Group

A new gasometer for the Suez Group

After Benfeld and before Cluses, Micr’Eau has just manufactured and installed in record time (3 months) a new Sattler gasometer this time in Cholet.
A new example of rehabilitation carried out by Micr’Eau teams without disrupting the operations.
Veolia Chile entrusts Micr’Eau with a €630,000 biogas treatment contract in Rancagua

Veolia Chile entrusts Micr’Eau with a €630,000 biogas treatment contract in Rancagua

This will involve measuring and burning excess biogas (CH4 and CO2) from household waste operated by Veolia at one of the largest landfills in Chile (300 to 400,000 inhabitants near Santiago).

This project will be carried out on the basis of the know-how of our long-standing partner Hofstetter, one of the technological precursors on the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Above 3D view of the future project

Did you know this?  Micr’Eau can maintain your biogas works in France and abroad

Did you know this? Micr’Eau can maintain your biogas works in France and abroad

Lille les Marquette Plant

Micr’Eau offers its services in terms of management of storage units and biogas flaring both on the brands it distributes in France and internationally such as Sattler and Hofstetter; but also it also ensures the follow-up and repair of equipment of colleagues who have disappeared from the market such as BSDV and VSO.

This is evidenced by its maintenance and operation contracts with Veolia in Brussels or Lille; or with Suez in Santiago de Chile, Versailles or Toulouse. Our French or Chilean teams (with AEC and ABM) are at your service and in a very short time to give you assistance on these biogas works so much in demand.