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Did you know this?  Micr’Eau can maintain your biogas works in France and abroad

Did you know this? Micr’Eau can maintain your biogas works in France and abroad

Lille les Marquette Plant

Micr’Eau offers its services in terms of management of storage units and biogas flaring both on the brands it distributes in France and internationally such as Sattler and Hofstetter; but also it also ensures the follow-up and repair of equipment of colleagues who have disappeared from the market such as BSDV and VSO.

This is evidenced by its maintenance and operation contracts with Veolia in Brussels or Lille; or with Suez in Santiago de Chile, Versailles or Toulouse. Our French or Chilean teams (with AEC and ABM) are at your service and in a very short time to give you assistance on these biogas works so much in demand.

Micr’Eau supplies 28 T of GEH at one of Chile’s largest arsenic treatment plants

Micr’Eau supplies 28 T of GEH at one of Chile’s largest arsenic treatment plants

Micr’Eau has won with the water operator ESVAL (Valparaiso region) a public call for the supply of filtering media for arsenic treatment and the associated service (removal of the saturated media Bayoxide; installation of the new GEH and the filter underlay).

This contract will be executed during the November-December period with the support of our two Chilean subsidiaries AEC and ABM, dedicated to construction and environmental services.

The Punta Piedra station treats 7200m3/d of drinking water to supply the Serena and Coquimbo, two cities located 500 km north of Santiago de Chile.

Micr’Eau installs 6 biogas flares with a flow of 3600 Nm3/h at SIAAP (Paris) for Suez France

Micr’Eau installs 6 biogas flares with a flow of 3600 Nm3/h at SIAAP (Paris) for Suez France

As part of the largest biomethane recovery market in France (+€200 million market), Micr’Eau participated this autumn in the installation of 6 Hofstetter flares with a 3600 Nm3/h biogas burning capacity. This delivery of key equipment for the biogas sector designed by the Suez group on behalf of SIAAP on the Achères wastewater treatment plant (8 million equivalent inhabitants) is part of the services provided by our company in France and abroad.

Latin America: a good year for gasholders

Latin America: a good year for gasholders

Micr’Eau had a successful year internationally in Latin America thanks to its sales of gasholders in Chile, Argentina and Mexico.

The first series of 3 gasholders is being installed in Buenos Aires for the AYSA water board (+5000 people).

The next ones will follow this autumn with Mapocho/Aguas Andinas to equip the capital Santiago de Chile, and in Mexico with Suez from Mexico City to Chihuahua

installation du gazomètre Sattler en Argentine
Micr’Eau deploys in the segment of gas holders and flares in the industrial sector

Micr’Eau deploys in the segment of gas holders and flares in the industrial sector

Our company has just won several contracts in the field of biogas this summer with industrialists in France. To name a few:

  • Pronal (compact gasometer in container for an industrial sector resulting from R&D)
  • Smurfit Kappa (dismantling of an Easter storer, followed by a mobile unit and a gasometer in container)
  • Tereos (design and supply of a flare for a sugar site located in the Hauts de France)
Unité mobile biogaz Sattler
Micreau completes the renovation of the 5000m3 gasometer for GRT GAZ in Alfortville

Micreau completes the renovation of the 5000m3 gasometer for GRT GAZ in Alfortville

Our company dismantled and rebuilt in record time (less than a month) one of the largest gasometers in France: a 5000m3 gas storer for the RICE research center of the GRT GAZ group from Gaz de France. This work mobilized half a dozen people from our company for a period of a fortnight and consisted of dismantling the old 17-year-old gasometer and re-installing a new Sattler brand gasometer. The gasometer rehabilitation market is one of our strong points because it requires many engineering, works and maintenance skills developed in our company for nearly 20 years, especially on the Sattler range.
Travaux de rénovation du gazomètre de GRT Gaz à Alfortville