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ABM wins a technology competition in arsenic treatment

ABM wins a technology competition in arsenic treatment

ABM, our services subsidiary in Chile wins a major R&D tender with ANID on arsenic treatment applications in the environmental sector.

This technological competition launched with a hundred Chilean SMEs allowed our company Andes Bio Medio to be selected among fifteen winners to develop its know-how in arsenic treatment applied to different sectors of the environment:

drinking water, wastewater and treatment of contaminated soils.

With a budget of about 150,000 euros, we will eventually be able to deploy pilots for our water or mining concession customers to better treat their water or waste needs. Above the arsenic station of Antofagasta, one of the potential sites of our experiment

Arsenic treatment in the Atacama Desert

Arsenic treatment in the Atacama Desert

Micr’Eau, holder of a €621,000 FASEP project co-financed by DG Treasury in Chile, is currently on a mission to the Salar de Atacama to install two drinking water treatment units eliminating arsenic. These stations located in Toconao and Socaire will discharge 400 and 200m3/d respectively and will be able to treat up to 250 ppb of arsenic.

Terzeo: a first in arsenic decontamination on polluted soils

Terzeo: a first in arsenic decontamination on polluted soils

Micr’Eau, with its experience in arsenic treatment by adsorption filtration, has just signed a contract to clean up arsenic-contaminated soils with Terzeo (a subsidiary of the Clamens construction and waste group).

This ambitious project should make it possible to clean up an industrial zone in Ile de France and to continue the treatment of arsenic in a second phase concerning the industrial effluents of the same customer.

Micr’Eau distributes GEH filter media in Chile

Micr’Eau distributes GEH filter media in Chile

Micr’Eau officially distributes the GEH filter media in Chile, one of the world’s leading markets for the treatment of arsenic in drinking water and industrial process waters (mines in particular).

With this commercial representation granted by the German company Wasser Chemie, the Micr’Eau group has a major filtering media used by Chilean private water dealers such as Aguas Andinas (Suez) or Aguas Nuevas (Marubeni).
Fasep Chile Signing Ceremony

Fasep Chile Signing Ceremony

Micr’Eau signs with AMRA (Regional Association of Mayors of Antofagasta), a region of 700,000 inhabitants and Chile’s main mining area, a technical and commercial cooperation project for 621,000 euros co-financed by the DG Treasury as part of a Fasep.

The project will be to build two arsenic processing units and a saturated media regeneration centre to serve industrial and municipal customers in northern Chile.

This signing ceremony was held at the French Ambassador’s house in Santiago in the presence of the Economic Mission and the elected representatives of the Northern Region as well as the President of the Micr’Eau group Pascal Guasp