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Thytan and Boxhy in the spotlight with Micr’eau at EXPONOR2024

Thytan and Boxhy in the spotlight with Micr’eau at EXPONOR2024

From June 3 to 6, 2024, Micr’eau will be proud to take part in EXPONOR in Antofagasta, a key event for the mining and energy sectors. This event is organized by the Antofagasta Industrial Association (AIA), a Chilean benchmark with 80 years’ experience, which plans to bring together over 700 exhibitors and 41,000 visitors. Micr’eau will be taking advantage of the show to present its innovative technology solutions in wastewater treatment, biogas and renewable energies. In particular, Micr’eau’s green hydrogen offering will be in the spotlight, with references such as Thytan and Boxhy.

Micr’Eau distributor of GEH in Chile

Micr’Eau distributor of GEH in Chile

As part of its arsenic treatment needs, Micr’Eau Chile imports and stocks several dozen tons of GEH filter media in Santiago and northern Chile to serve its mining and water concession customers.

This GEH product is required for the treatment of arsenic-contaminated drinking water, but also for industrial water and contaminated soil.

Micr’Eau has been a leader in these sectors in France and Chile for over a decade.

Andes Bio Medio wins contract with mining group Teck

Andes Bio Medio wins contract with mining group Teck

ABM (Andes Bio Medio) wins a technical expertise contract with the Canadian mining group Teck in Chile on the Quebrada Blanca 2 site

On this copper mine where the largest mining investment in South America of the decade was made ($ 5 billion) to extract and produce copper at 4500m altitude, the Canadian group Teck has entrusted an expertise on water to ABM our subsidiary services in Chile to determine the best possible maintenance on its drinking water units (150 m3 / h including iron / manganese treatment, arsenic treatment and reverse osmosis followed by remineralization).

Thanks to our geographical location in the north of the country (Antofagasta region), ABM is ideally placed to serve its mining customers (Lithium, Copper). Above is the mining camp of its Chilean partner Cobre y Metales from where ABM operates.

ABM wins a technology competition in arsenic treatment

ABM wins a technology competition in arsenic treatment

ABM, our services subsidiary in Chile wins a major R&D tender with ANID on arsenic treatment applications in the environmental sector.

This technological competition launched with a hundred Chilean SMEs allowed our company Andes Bio Medio to be selected among fifteen winners to develop its know-how in arsenic treatment applied to different sectors of the environment:

drinking water, wastewater and treatment of contaminated soils.

With a budget of about 150,000 euros, we will eventually be able to deploy pilots for our water or mining concession customers to better treat their water or waste needs. Above the arsenic station of Antofagasta, one of the potential sites of our experiment