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Micr’eau and Aguas Antofagasta : a promising partnership for arsenic treatment and drinking water in Chile

Micr’eau and Aguas Antofagasta : a promising partnership for arsenic treatment and drinking water in Chile

Micr’eau has just completed a detailed feasibility study to install an adsorption filtration finishing treatment in the world’s largest arsenic treatment plant. The plant is located in Salar de Carmen in Chile, close to the lithium production sites of SQM (Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile) and Albemarle.

These technical services commissioned by Aguas Antofagasta, the water concession holder in Chile’s second region and a subsidiary of the Colombian group EPM (Empresas Públicas de Medellín), should result in a drinking water treatment plant that will be operational in the coming months.

Chile: the Micr’Eau group sets out again to conquer construction and services markets in the water and arsenic sector

Chile: the Micr’Eau group sets out again to conquer construction and services markets in the water and arsenic sector

After having participated in several contracts for the construction of drinking water stations in the mining (Teck Bechtel north Chile) and urban (Sembcorp / Santiago de Chile) fields totaling more than 10 million euros, Pascal Guasp and his Franco Chilean teams are now setting out to conquer markets for the operation and maintenance of water treatment units with their local partners: Cobre y Metales and Molambiente, two Chilean SMEs employing more than 200 people in the mining and community services sector .

This targets markets previously won in construction as well as industrial customers in northern Chile made up of world leaders such as Codelco (in copper) and SQM (in lithium).