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Our activities in the mining sector in Chile

Our activities in the mining sector in Chile

The Micr’Eau group has two subsidiaries in Chile, one linked to the construction of its drinking water and biogas units, Micr’Eau-AEC, and a second company, ABM, linked to services and in particular to mining companies.

As part of these consulting and support missions, ABM is currently carrying out an audit for the Canadian company Teck, copper producer on the Quebrada Blanca 2 site at 4500 m altitude in northern Chile (near the Bolivian border) to improve the operation and maintenance of the drinking water treatment unit supplying the camp of more than 5000 miners.

Other studies and technical and logistical support projects are being set up, in particular with the companies Cobre y Metales (catodo verde project) and the lithium group SQM near Antofagasta.

Micr’Eau obtains the label of the Axelera competitiveness cluster

Micr’Eau obtains the label of the Axelera competitiveness cluster

Micr’Eau has just been labeled within the Axelera competitiveness pole, one of the largest in France (based in Lyon); it brings together several hundred companies (large groups, mid-caps and SMEs) whose activities are chemicals and the environment as well as the desire to expand internationally.

Our ambition by joining this cluster is to promote the development of our biogas activities in France and internationally, particularly in the field of gas treatment from landfills.

Through the CH4 booster technology development project (enrichment of landfill biogas with CH4), Micr’Eau applied for an Inov 10 program funded by BPI and Ademe, supported by Axelera’s technological experts, including IFP ENR and Suez.

Mic’Eau awarded a FASEP low-carbon project

Mic’Eau awarded a FASEP low-carbon project

Micr’Eau associated with H2SYS, a specialist in green hydrogen (autonomous electric generator) is one of the 6 winners of the FASEP Low Carbon call for projects. Its €500,000 project for the French part will take place in northern Chile with ENAMI, under the Ministry of Mines, to promote green energy among medium-sized mines. Locally, Micr’Eau will make its Franco-Chilean teams and its partners Cobre y Metales.

The Micr’Eau teams welcomed the Minister in charge of Foreign Trade, Mr. Olivier Becht at the company’s premises to discuss this project.

Series of biogas modernization and after-sales contracts in France and Chile

Series of biogas modernization and after-sales contracts in France and Chile

Micr’Eau and its Chilean subsidiaries AEC and ABM are carrying out several biogas projects at the end of 2022 with its loyal customers Urbaser (European leader in the treatment of household waste by methanization), Veolia Haut de France, Tereos (world leader in sugar), Aguas Andinas (Veolia Water)

These operations concern the complete renovation of gasometers, flares or after-sales service and expertise contracts at the request of its Franco-Chilean customers.

The Micr’Eau group thus confirms its expertise in the value chain of the production and operation of the biogas sector and can therefore strengthen its qualified technicians and engineers in our engineering, maintenance and operation of biomethane units. Above Trebal/Mapocho site (Santiago de Chile: WWTP of 4 million inhabitants operated by the Veolia group)

Andes Bio Medio wins contract with mining group Teck

Andes Bio Medio wins contract with mining group Teck

ABM (Andes Bio Medio) wins a technical expertise contract with the Canadian mining group Teck in Chile on the Quebrada Blanca 2 site

On this copper mine where the largest mining investment in South America of the decade was made ($ 5 billion) to extract and produce copper at 4500m altitude, the Canadian group Teck has entrusted an expertise on water to ABM our subsidiary services in Chile to determine the best possible maintenance on its drinking water units (150 m3 / h including iron / manganese treatment, arsenic treatment and reverse osmosis followed by remineralization).

Thanks to our geographical location in the north of the country (Antofagasta region), ABM is ideally placed to serve its mining customers (Lithium, Copper). Above is the mining camp of its Chilean partner Cobre y Metales from where ABM operates.

Micr’Eau wins the tender for the modernisation of the biogas flares at the Talagante wastewater treatment plant in Chile

Micr’Eau wins the tender for the modernisation of the biogas flares at the Talagante wastewater treatment plant in Chile

Micr’Eau-AEC wins the tender launched by Aguas Andinas for the modernization of the biogas flaring line of the Talagante wastewater treatment plant (250,000 eq Hab); this file includes the installation of a new generation flare and the safety of the existing line. This turnkey project of about 180,000 euros represents 4 to 5 months of construction for our Franco-Chilean teams.